Fourth Street’s Men’s Ministry believes in God’s Word from Proverbs 27:17 which states that, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” The Men’s Ministry exists so that men can come together to “sharpen one another” by reading and studying God’s Word, encouraging and praying for each other, and keeping one another accountable though the many life issues men are faced with today.
The Men’s Ministry provides opportunities for men to bond together through fellowship at weekly breakfasts, men’s Bible studies and classes, and special conferences and events.
Every Friday morning the men of Fourth Street, as well as other men from around Madera, meet for breakfast, fellowship, and the opportunity to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ. We meet in the Fire Side Room at the church, 222 North N Street, from 6-7am.
In addition, Fourth Street hosts a variety of men-oriented studies and spiritual growth opportunities. From gathering together in small groups to being involved in community wide events our goal is to “Direct men towards a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.”
For more information contact the church office @ (559) 674-2229 or email Pastor David or Pastor Daniel.